Gholam Abbas Daneshpajuh, Governor of Hendijan, said, “The central district of Hendijan includes 12 villages. Two fire accidents in Zelghi and Imamzadeh Abdullah incurred hefty damages against people, last year. The credit required to insure places and buildings of villagers has been funded from the current costs resources according to paragraph 2, article 32 of the financial stature of village governments and paragraph 3 of section fifth and article 24 of section sixth of budget 2017.”
“This insurance policy covers natural disasters including fire, explosions, lightning, floods, storms and earthquakes and in the case of accidents it includes costs of construction, installations and home appliances up to 200 million rials including 150 million rials for the building and 50 million rials for the appliances for 1 full year,” he added.
He appreciated the cooperation of Barakat Foundation, an affiliated entity of the Execution of Imam Khomeini Order” and said, “We hope this foundation would take positive and useful strides through implementing its constructional and educational projects across the villages of this district and help to eradicate deprivation in this area.”
Hendijan County is located south of the Khuzestan Province with two districts: Central and Cham Khalf Eisa, which is one of important commercial and fishery ports of this province.
According to the MOU signed between EIKO and Khuzestan Provincial Government, it was determined that all rural houses of Khuzestan including 300000 housing units are covered by the natural disasters insurance.