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  • Wednesday, 26th March 2025
President of EIKO Paid a Visit to Families of Martyrs Amir-Hasani and Najafi
After the inaugural ceremony of Shahid Mofateh Hospital of Varamin and launching Barakat Hospital of Shahid Sattari in Gharchak, Dr. Mokhber and a group of authorities of the execution of Imam Khomeini’s Order (EIKO) met the endeared families of Martyrs Morteza Amir-Hasani and Meysam Najafi.
کد خبر: 18224696

In this meeting, President of EIKO told the message of the Leader, to families of these great martyrs and said, “I tell the special greeting of the leader, because the Leader always emphasizes that I should say his hello to the real Jihadists who have sacrificed their children.”

“It was martyrs who did the real work, and we ask the Almighty God to help us to continue the path they crossed.”


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