According to the Barakat Foundation CEO, about fifty percent of the relief supplies have reached the earthquake stricken provinces so far and are being distributed among people after facilitating coordination with Disaster Management Organization and Kermanshah Governor General.
After establishing a supporting and logistics headquarters for the earthquake stricken areas, the Execution of Imam Khomeini Order (EIKO) not only has sent hundreds of tons of vital supplies to the earthquake stricken areas, but also it has deployed 100 Jihadi groups and four mobile medical clinics in the earthquake stricken areas.
“EIKO set a supporting and logistics headquarters for the earthquake stricken areas at 6 A.M. of Monday, Nov. 13, 2017 and started to send hundreds of tons of supplies and to organize 100 Jihadi groups to help people in the earthquake stricken areas”, Dr. Aref Noruzi, the CEO of Barakat Foundation, an affiliated foundation of EIKO, said.
He referred to the relief items sent by EIKO to the earthquake stricken areas such as 20 trailers of drinking water bottles, 100,000 cans of various conserve cans, 20,000 blankets, 20,000 pillows, 20 tons of dates, 50 tons of clothes, shoes and warm clothes, 1000 ovens and heating appliances, 10 generators. He also added that besides these items, EIKO is preparing 90 tons of dates, 100,000 tons of canned fish and 30 trailers of more drinking water bottles, which all will be sent very soon.

According to him about 50 percent of such supplies have reached the earthquake stricken areas so far and are being distributed among people after facilitating coordination with Disaster Management Organization and Kermanshah Governor General.
As Dr, Noruzi said, four mobile medical clinics of Barakat Foundation will be deployed in the earthquake stricken areas and also five trucks of medicines, medical serums, various antibiotics and emergency kits have been sent to such areas.
While announcing that Barakat Foundation has taken the responsible for reconstructing schools and some houses in the earthquake stricken areas and a number of rural areas where demolition was extensive, he said that we need to wait until the end of the emergency status in order to be able to make necessary coordination in this regard.
“100 Jihadi groups including medical teams have been deployed in the earthquake stricken areas who can be a useful arm to assist all areas damaged by this sorrowful tragedy,” Dr. Noruzi said.