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  • Wednesday, 26th March 2025
Barakat Foundation, founder of innovative agricultural methods in Khuzestan
Barakat Foundation, affiliated to the Execution of Imam Khomeini by implementing innovative agricultural methods for irrigation, while supporting the farmers, is after resolving the water scarcity problem for animal husbandry.
کد خبر: 22311724

Mostafa Bundry, an executive officer of Barakat Foundation in Khuzestan province, announcing the news added, "Very good and effective moves have been made in this regard in Khuzestan province, but since Barakat Foundation is not after propagations in performing its duties, the people have not heard much about those moves."

The executive officer said, "I began my cooperation with Barakat Foundation in the year 2019 as a facilitator officer in Khuzestan province and implemented more than 200 projects in the agricultural and animal husbandry fields. But side by side with those plans, other service jobs, such as working in mechanic shops for automobiles, coffee-nets, tailoring, hair cutting and hair dressing, and… too, were presented to the people along with providing facilities for them.

Bundry said that in the year 2020 he was chosen as an executive officer of the foundation, and in the same year he implemented more than 1,000 plans in Khuzestan province.

"Most of those plans, too, were in the agricultural and animal husbandry fields. In that year by expanding the dimensions of my work to the entire province and relying on my past experience I realized a part of the problems of the people and the region and tried to improve the process of my activities," he said.

Bundry added that Khuzestan has appropriate conditions for animal husbandry and agricultural activities, but unfortunately, the traditional methods and scarcity of facilities for preservation and packing of the products create problems in the post production period.

This executive officer, who has studied agriculture focusing on his recent activities, to, said, "In the course of the past (Iranian) year (1400, began on March 21, 2021) I implemented 1,114 plans and for the year 1401, too, I have over 1,200 plans in the process of implementation, of which 300 plans are already finalized. In the new plans training the people and paying attention to the complementary and packing industries are in the focus of attention and prioritized."

He added that this year in the field of the medical plants, saffron, honey, and handicrafts we have broadened our activities. Meanwhile, we also work in the field of complementary and processing industries, brand-making, and marketing.

"One of our important acts in this field is establishment of local markets to present our products in them," he added.

This executive officer in Khuzestan province speaking about the positive moves made by the Barakat Foundation said, "Some job creators of the province, including Ms. Gol-Banu Lajmurak have relying on the assistance of Barakat Foundation been introduced as the topmost job creator of the country."

He said that this top job creator of the country has presently three active workshops in the field of handicrafts with over 100 students.

He said that another problem in the province in recent years has been the scarcity of pasturelands and grass to feed the meat animals, which was resolved thanks to the moves made by Barakat Foundation.

Bundry ended his remarks arguing, "The most important move made by Barakat Foundation in the field of offering services, I could say was establishment of the first factory to produce radiator water and antifreeze. Presently more than 20 people are working in that factory."



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