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  • Friday, 28th March 2025
Barakat Schools Reaches 1110 Schools
The operation ceremony of 110 Barakat Schools, awarded by the Leader of Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei, to students of less-developed areas of the country, was held.
کد خبر: 19007996

In this ceremony which was attended by Ayatollah Mohammadi Golpayegani, Head of the Leader’s Office, and the president of Execution of Imam Khomeini’s Order (EIKO), Eng. Saeed Jafari, CEO of Barakat Foundation, Dr. Mehrallah Rakhshanifar, head of Organization for Development, Renovation and Equipping Schools of I.R. Iran and a group of authorities, a total of 110 schools were launched simultaneously in 21 provinces of the country, the Public Relations Department of Barakat Foundation, an affiliated foundation of the Execution of Imam Khomeini’s Order (EIKO).

In this ceremony, referring to the substantial presence of people in the Muharram mourning ceremonies, Ayatollah Mohammadi Golpayegani, Head of the Leader’s Office, said: “Since the base of the Islamic Revolution is righteous and precise, all youth, both urban and rural, are ready to sacrifice their lives to defend Islamic system and revolution.”


“Refusing proposition of negotiation offered by the U.S. President represents how Islamic Revolution is great”, he added.

Appreciating school-building efforts of EIKO, Ayatollah Mohammadi Golpayegani stated, “EIKO has started many great jobs since past years in which school building is one of the best. I believe that this benevolent job will help you in the afterworld. There is no job better than serving people.”

Emphasizing that schools are the greatest cultural footholds, he continued: “We hope that school-building, which is a divine act and is recognized by Imam Mahdi (AJ), would be continued with broader dimensions and more velocity in the EIKO, through Barakat Foundation.”


25 Barakat Schools of Khuzestan Province Named After Martyrs of Ahvaz Terrorist Attack    

Elsewhere in this ceremony, Dr. Muhammad Mokhber, president of EIKO condemned the Ahvaz terrorist attack and said, “The sacred Islamic Republic system somehow represents the Ashura culture and is the main reason of atrocity the despotic states show against our state.”


“Victory of the Islamic revolution, successful management of the Imposed War and neutralization of conspiracies all are gained because of Ashura culture and school. In this school, certain human beings are trained who are able to fight against oppression and to recognize the real enemies and nobody is able to block their way ahead,” he added.

Emphasizing the fact that the Islamic Republic of Iran says the first and last word in the Middle East Region, he added, “Mocking the United States’ president in the General Assembly of the United Nations reflects Iran’s power which has succeeded to break its hegemony.”


Referring to some data and reports about economy and livelihood condition prior to the Islamic Revolution, Dr. Mokhber stated: “We need to share the facts with people. In 1977, our country has 30 million population and we used to sell five million barrels oil per day and according to the data issued by the World Bank about 46 percent of our people were under the poverty line, but today with 85 million population and selling only two million oil barrels per day we see that the number of people who are under the poverty line has been decreased considerably.”

Stressing the fact that everything must be transferred to people, the president of the Execution of Imam Khomeini Order (EIKO) said, “By today we have transferred a total of 360 joint ventures to people and we have 500,000 stakeholders.”

Elsewhere in his remarks, he said: “Employment constitutes the country’s development pivot and for this reason, EIKO pursues this issue. Every day I receive the report about the number of jobs generated by the EIKO from the whole country and I am very sensitive about the employment issue.”


He also emphasized that all facilities and possibilities of EIKO have been mobilized to eradicate deprivation and he asked the CEO of the Barakat Foundation to name 25 schools in the Khuzestan Province which are ready to be operationalized after 25 martyrs of the Ahvaz terrorist attack.


We Are Building another 1000 Barakat Schools

Another speaker of the ceremony was Eng. Saeed Jafari, the CEO of the Barakat Foundation, an affiliated foundation of the Execution of Imam Khomeini Order (EIKO), who mentioned that the simultaneous opening of 110 Barakat Schools is a gift awarded by the Leader to the students of the deprived and less-developed regions of the country.

Saying this fact, Eng. Saeed Jafari added: “Barakat Foundation has constructed and launched 1000 schools across 31 provinces of the country so far, and now is working on the construction of another 1000 schools, out of which 110 schools will be operationalized today.”


Emphasizing the fact that school-building and development of the educational spaces are one of the most fundamental and indelible infrastructural activities of the EIKO, he said, “Such activities are exercised in order to meet the considerations of the Leader about improving the educational justice level through Barakat Foundation across villages and the less-developed regions of the country.”

Eng. Jafari added, “The Barakat Foundation is in continuous interaction with the Ministry of Education in order to provide proper, standard and safe spaces for students in the deprived regions and constructing schools are done in response to demands issued by the Education departments of provinces.”

Finally, CEO of Barakat Foundation emphasized the continuation of school-building movement in this foundation and added, “To take advantage of 110 Barakat Foundation across 21 provinces of the country more than 840 billion rials has been expensed.”


30 Percent of the Country’s Schools Need Reconstruction

In this ceremony, Dr. Mehrallah Rakhshanifar, head of Organization for Development, Renovation and Equipping Schools of I.R. Iran stressed the special attention of Islamic Republic system’s to education and said, “50 percent of classrooms in 2017 have been built by benevolent school makers. Education is the development’s key and one of the current problems’ reasons is lack of attention to education.”

 “The educational area per capita before Islamic Revolution was 1.5 sqm for each student, which it has reached to 5.2 sqm today but we are far away from the ideal area of 8.4 sqm,” he added.

Referring to the fact that 30 percent of the country’s educational space needs destruction and reconstruction, he stated hopes that relying on the credits predicted for this field and associations of such serving institutes as Barakat Foundation its executive operation would be started.

At the end of this ceremony, schools in the selected provinces of Kordestan, Sistan-Baluchestan and West Azarbaijan were inaugurated symbolically through the video conference technology. Likewise, three general managers of Organization for Development, Renovation and Equipping Schools in Khuzestan, Sistan-Baluchestan and Hamedan and fiver exemplary contractors of Barakat schools were appreciated.

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