According to the Public Relations Department of Barakat Foundation, during his visit in Sunday of social achievements of the Execution of Imam Khomeini’s Order exhibition, Dr. Muhammad Omid pointed to the eye-catching size of such activities and measures, and said, “The Execution of Imam Khomeini’s Order deals with a lot of the country’s problems in the deprived areas.”
He also pointed to the necessity of synergy between the serving entities and organizations across the rural and deprived areas and said, “For achieving more synergy and harmony, it is necessary that active organizations in this field to be connected. Some effective measures have been done by both The Execution of Imam Khomeini’s Order and active organizations in the field of development of rural and deprived areas which would be complementary more than ever in the future.”
Dr. Omid asked for assistance and contribution of Barakat Foundation, an affiliated foundation of The Execution of Imam Khomeini’s Order in marketing and sales arenas of the rural products and added, “Economy without marketing is meaningless.”
Explaining about the cooperation between this deputy and Barakat Foundation, Rural and deprived areas development deputy of the president said: “We have had extensive and constructional relations and interactions with this foundation and we hope some good measures to be taken in the fields of deprivation eradication and job creation for villagers.”
Elsewhere in his remarks, Dr. Omid stated, “Personally, I have seen many measures and activities of Barakat Foundation in the fields of job creation, deprivation eradication and economic and social empowerment in the deprived and less-developed areas of the country and for me they have many positive and effective outcomes.”
During his visit of this exhibition, The CEO of Barakat Foundation explained about some measures of the Execution of Imam Khomeini’s Order across the deprived areas, Eng. Saeed Jafari said, “because of limited space, social achievements of the Execution of Imam Khomeini’s Order exhibition only can show a part of activities of EIKO.”
Explaining about how Barakat Foundation was established, Eng. Saeed Jafari said, “Given to the Ayatollah Khamenei’s concerns about deprivation eradication and empowerment in the less-developed areas of the country, Barakat Foundation was established by the Execution of Imam Khomeini’s Order (EIKO) and started to work in order to develop and improve these areas of the country.”
He referred to unemployment as the most important problem of the country and added, “Regarding to the young population of the country and capabilities and talents inside the country, Barakat Foundation has made serious activities in the job creation and economic empowerment fields and it has suggested plans and initiatives which finally would result in sustainable employment and activation of economic capacities of the country.”
He opined, “The Execution of Imam Khomeini’s Order has concentrated on helping the government in various sections and parts and it tries to support the private section, as well. Today, when the enemies try to put our country under pressures through various methods, EIKO tries to help both the government and people through investing in high-technology medical products, sharing technology and meeting the demand of the country to the importing medicines.”
The CEO of Barakat Foundation, an affiliated foundation of EIKO, pointed to the measures made by this foundation in the field of knowledge-based areas and supporting elite and young companies and added, “The performance of the Barakat Foundation through eleven years of its establishment has been based on the daily necessities and needs of the society.”
He said that today 48 organization and entities are active in the field of development and serving a single village and added, “After the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran b 1978, some extensive and splendid works have been done in hardware, infrastructural, constructional fields in villages of the country, however, there are still shortcomings and problems in software areas which have led to reduction of residents of villages.”
While referring to ASEMAN, AFTAB and SAHAB enterprise and society-based job creation plans of Barakat Foundation across the deprived areas, CEO of Barakat Foundation said, “75 percent of our activities have been concentrated on entrepreneurship and we have focused our whole energy on job creation and economic empowerment plans across villages and less-developed areas. For instance, development of 10000 job creation plans in the framework of SAHAB society-based model (Barakat job creation supportive investment) in 18 provinces, 77 cities and 2300 villages will be finished by the coming yearend.”
Elsewhere in his remarks, Eng. Jafari said, “Our country suffers from three main challenges in the field of employment; first, the number of available jobs are very fewer than number of ready-to-work available, second, the workforce efficiency is low either and third, the employment fields are so that encourage people to immigrate from their villages to cities. So, we have considered these three challenges through designing job creation models of the Barakat Foundation.”
“All activities of Barakat Foundation in the country are conducted through coordinating with governor generals, governors and local and provincial authorities”, he added.
To conclude his remarks, the CEO of Barakat Foundation asked for more assistance from the country’s banking system to support job creation and service rendering activities in rural societies.
It is necessary to say that Barakat Foundation, an affiliated foundation of the Execution of Imam Khomeini’s Order, in order to eradicate deprivation, to help economic and social empowerment, to develop entrepreneurship and job creation across the deprived and less-developed areas of the country has completed 345 enterprise-based, 150 loans-based plans in the 31 provinces of the country so far. It also has prepared 30 areas to conduct economic society-based plans which have tended to create jobs for 220000 people.
To complete more than 34000 constructional and infrastructural projects with credit more than 15500 billion rials, Barakat Foundation has planned, out which 14000 projects have been launched so far.
This foundation has concluded contracts for constructing 1600 Barakat schools with 9000 classrooms with credit more than 8200 billion rials, out which 1200 schools with 6400 classrooms have been launched, so far.