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  • Wednesday, 26th March 2025
Popularity of Barakat Foundation leads to sustainability of employment in Ilam
The executive officers and facilitators of Barakat Foundation, affiliated to the Execution of Imam Khomeini Order (EIKO), are selected from the context of the society of their region of offering services, and are quite familiar with their concerns.
کد خبر: 22311131

Barakat Foundation executive officer in Ilam province Mahdi Purnemat said, "Ilam province, as one of the most deprived provinces of the country has good potentials in the agricultural and animal husbandry fields. The deprived people are in need of material and spiritual support, and Barakat Foundation has been pioneering in that respect."

The executive officer added that throughout the years after the revolution, different foundations have worked in the field of uprooting poverty and deprivation in this region, among which the Barakat Foundation for some reasons, including presence in the field of facilitating and partnership cycle of the plans, has had closer relations with the people.

"The Barakat Foundation facilitators and executive officers at the action field are closely in touch with the people's problems," added this executive officer.

Focusing about his activities and how he got to know the Barakat Foundation, Purnemat said, "

"I'm 36, and have an agriculture BA and a strategic management MA degree, which are both related to Barakat Foundation's work in deprived regions. In the year 2019 I began my work as a facilitator and later on I became an executive officer of Barakat Foundation in Ilam province. In this year I fully implemented and made operational 181 plans," he said.

He added that in the year 2019 we did not have a network of the facilitators, and I was working as a facilitator.

"Keeping in mind the natural conditions of the region, and knowing that most of those plans were in the field of animal husbandry, in the year 2021 I had gained greater insight about the people's problems and difficulties, and I focused on those plans that were in the field of food processing and goods' sales. In that year, too, I fully implemented 1,107 plans," he added.

Purnemat further elaborating on his activities said, "I gradually come up with the conclusion that one of the people's problems is presenting their goods to the markets and finding good markets. Usually at the time that agricultural and animal husbandry products are presented to market they are corrupted to the loss of the presenter."

HE added that as of the year 2021 he has tried to concentrate more on food processing and complementary industries more than before and that in that year alone he implemented 1,162 plans.

This Barakat Foundation executive officer speaking about his moves this year, added, "In the year 2022, I am implementing 1,300 plans, 250 of which have already been fully implemented. But of course, till the year end the number of those plans will most probaly increase."

Speaking about his activities in the field of Ilam tourism, and the morning during the 40th day after Imam Hussain's martyrdom, Arbain, Purnemat said, "Each year we see a large number of pilgrims pass through Ilam province towards Iraq, which provides a good opportunity for organizing exhibitions to present goods in various fields, including handicrafts and traditional products. In this field, too, we are increasing the number of our plans."

The Barakat Foundation executive officer at the end referred to sponsoring of training and promotional academic courses in such field as diversifying jobs and focusing on responding effectively to the market demands, among his next year objectives.





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